Monday, November 2, 2015

Thank you to everyone for donating items - pumpkins,  pumpkin muffins (Yum!),  candy corn,  apple juice,  carving tools,  cups, napkins, etc - for our Pumpkin Fun time!  Especially THANK YOU to those who donated the precious gift of time.  By the looks on the students’ faces and size of their smiles, they had a wonderfully fun time.   

Mark Your Calendar!
  • Mon-Fri, Nov. 2-6 Book Fair  - The Book Fair will be open from 7:45 until 4:00. Come join the fun! Our Book Fair will be open on Tuesday from 7:45 – 7:00. Plan ahead! Wednesday is our Monster Mash Picnic. Students may invite someone special in their life to bring lunch to them and enjoy that lunch on the deck. After lunch, visitors may visit the Book Fair.
  • Nov. 9 - 13 - Love Your School Fundraiser
  • Wednesday, Nov. 11 - Veteran’s Day - school holiday/ staff development
  • Mon., Nov. 23 Kiker Math day - all day
  • Wed - Fri, Nov. 25 - 27 - Thanksgiving Holidays

  • No library this week due to the book fair.

Specials -

Homework -
-read 10-20 minutes every night.  Look for the small guided reading books to practice at home.
-Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe / week 6: hop  top  log  hog  hot  lot  frog  stop  fast  wink  our  they -Look for the green poetry folder to come home on Tuesday.  Practice at least 2 poems, record them in the reading log  and return the folder the next day.
-Math - Sunshine Math - Students must complete the 1 star problems.  They may complete the additional problems for enrichment.

This week in:
Reading - This week we will review re-telling a  story and sequence, then think a little deeper into the meaning by identifying plot.  We will use  the Somebody, Wanted, But, Then  strategy and using  the 5 finger retelling strategy.

Writing -We are continuing to work on using a capitalization and punctuation checklist with periods, question marks and exclamation marks. This week we are exploring various procedural texts (how- to’s) and identifying the elements of procedural text.  We will brainstorm an idea for a classroom how - to.

Math -  The students continue to  work on listening to the problem solving strategies of others and explaining that strategy in their own words and making comments. This week’s focus is subtraction.

Science -  This week we are finishing our magnets unit and will begin investigating air and wind as we start our Sun, Earth and Moon unit.