Sunday, September 20, 2015

Fall conference sign up forms will be coming home this week in your child's white Kiker folder. Please select 3 times that would be most convenient for you. I will try my best to accommodate your choices, but times will be scheduled based upon earliest forms returned. You may also complete the Google form using this link - .

  • Library day is Thursday!
  • Enrichment fees are due NOW!  This fee helps to fund our fall and spring field trip and class t-shirts. If you have not yet submitted your payment of $22.00 for the entire year or $11.00 for the fall semester
  • Monday, October 12- Student holiday/parent conferences.  Please look forward to an email or notice in your child’s white Kiker folder for an opportunity to sign up for parent conferences.

Specials -

Homework -
read 10-20 minutes every night.  
Look for the green poetry folder to come home on Wednesday.  Practice 2 poems, record them in the reading log  and return the folder the next day.
Spelling homework will start next week!

This week in:
Reading - Every week we continue to build reading stamina by reading to self every day.  The students also read with a friend and have really enjoyed reading poems to each other.  This week we will continue to work on the comprehension strategy of identifying the problem and solution of a story.  We will also categorize words into nouns and verbs to help us determine meaning of new vocabulary.

Writing -This week in writing we will continue working on our stories.   We will learn how to write in complete sentences.  A complete sentence is a complete thought that tells who or what the sentence is about, and what happened. It starts with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark.  We will also learn how to use our word wall list to spell the first grade sight words correctly.
Please encourage your child to form the letters correctly. Almost all of the letters in alphabet start at the top move to the bottom.  Some children have the habit of forming the letters from the bottom to the top and this will affect their handwriting as well as speed in writing.  Also please have your child practice writing their names neatly starting with capital letter and then lowercase letters.  

Math -  We have been working on place value.  The children have learned that the place of a digit in a number matters and depending on its place a digit can represent tens, or ones.  This week we will learn about decomposing numbers and describing the numbers in expanded form.  For example, 34 is actually 30 and 4 and 52 is 50 and 2.  We will also compare numbers using number line.   We will review the vocabulary, greater and less than.  For example, looking at a number line, what number is one less than 17? or 16 is one less than what number? We will apply our knowledge of number line and number comparison to solve everyday math problems.

Science -  This week the students will start science/health/social studies rotations.  They will go to Ms. Sebek’s class and learn about Whoa and Go foods.

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