Thank you all so much for helping your child complete the Family culture “quilt square”. The students did a FABULOUS job presenting their squares and sharing about their families. It was very enjoyable! Thank you all again for your support at home.
Library day is Thursday!
Friday, Sept. 18 - Deadline to pay the Kiker 1st grade enrichment fee. This fee helps to fund our fall and spring field trip and class t-shirts. If you have not yet submitted your payment of $22.00 for the entire year or $11.00 for the fall semester, please try to submit your payment by this Friday. Enrichment fee scholarships are available.
Monday, October 13- Student holiday/parent conferences. Please look forward to an email or notice in your child’s white Kiker folder for an opportunity to sign up for parent conferences.
Specials -
Homework -
read 10-20 minutes every night
This week in:
Reading - We are continuing to build our reading stamina by spending time reading to self each day. We are also learning about what readers think when they are reading. We will continue to sequence events into beginning, middle and end and identify the problem and solution of fiction selections.
Make reading time a special time where you and your child can sit together comfortably. Pick a time in the day that you know your child is not too tired to read. Maybe your child likes to read after school, or before bedtime. Sit beside your child, turn off the TV and have your child read to you. If your child is stuck on a word, try some of the strategies from the help page that was placed in last week’s folder. It is also important that you read to your child, if not every night, at least some of the time. Children need to hear fluent reading with expression from a parent. Do a picture walk (talk about the pictures) together before reading. As you read, stop periodically and see if your child has understood the story so far. Read together, laugh together and make this a special time.
Writing - We will continue writing stories about our lives. This week we will learn how to "zoom in" on one thing and write about a small moment in time, something in our life that happened over a small few minutes. We will read stories or part of stories that have those moments in them and see how famous authors writes about those times.
Math - We will explore placement of digits in numbers and how the value of the number is affected by the placement of the digits. We will use magnetic ten frames to help us build numbers. We will learn to compare teen numbers. We will apply all of this knowledge in problem solving activities. We will also learn how to construct a tally chart.
Science - In science we will learn about properties of objects and how we can classify objects as solid, liquid, or gas. We will investigate each state of matter and determine the special characteristics of each one. We will also investigate the changes of matter and what causes matter to change.
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